Jumat, 29 April 2011
Jogja Last Friday 12
Not fun casual bike or bicycle. Nor is car free day or free day in motor vehicles. However, thousands of cyclists take Ride or Jogja Last Firday bersepada which was held on the last Friday of each month.
News Jogja
Selasa, 26 April 2011
Sawah Sorangan Soto
Sawah Sorangan Soto, a mixing sotonya soto no different in general. But Soto Sawah fans pick Sorangan enormous.
Location is okay to shop away from the crowds but it did not make the stall Soto Sawah Soragan be quiet buyers.
Location stall Soragan Soto is nearly one kilometer of road south Godean (Mirota Godean). Precisely in the middle of rice fields near the path.
Location is okay to shop away from the crowds but it did not make the stall Soto Sawah Soragan be quiet buyers.
Location stall Soragan Soto is nearly one kilometer of road south Godean (Mirota Godean). Precisely in the middle of rice fields near the path.
culinary tours
Sabtu, 23 April 2011
carnival culture and the strengthening of Yogyakarta city of the republic will be held tomorrow
CITY JOGJA_place along Malioboro street, on Tuesday (4 /01) starting at 14.30 pm will be held the inaugural Carnival ofCulture and the Republic of Yogyakarta City. The event will beattended by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X will begin from TuguStation and ending at the show palace of Yogyakarta.
The Coordinator of the Joint committee, final Widihasto Putro, theCarnival of Cultures will be divided in several post that could be joined to make Carnival of cultures together.
"There are seven headings which are divided into seven points in the Carnival of Culture is." revealed Widihasto.
The Coordinator of the Joint committee, final Widihasto Putro, theCarnival of Cultures will be divided in several post that could be joined to make Carnival of cultures together.
"There are seven headings which are divided into seven points in the Carnival of Culture is." revealed Widihasto.
News Jogja
"Puppet Exhibition" will entertain residents trim with the play "wake semar heaven"
SLEMAN_Dua famous puppeteer Ki Vishnu Ki Hadi Sugito andwheat Jatmika Puppet will perform with the play "Semar wakeKaya". The event will be held on Thursday (01/06) in Village HallWukirsari, Cangkringan Sleman.
According to Drs. Bambang Purnomo, Chairman of Indonesianpuppetry community (Pepadi) branch Sleman in SlemanDepartment of culture and tourism (1.3), this leather puppetperformances are expected to provide fresh entertainment to the community or the people around Merapi.
According to Drs. Bambang Purnomo, Chairman of Indonesianpuppetry community (Pepadi) branch Sleman in SlemanDepartment of culture and tourism (1.3), this leather puppetperformances are expected to provide fresh entertainment to the community or the people around Merapi.
News Jogja
Selasa, 19 April 2011
Water Castle: Pesanggrahan AND bastion
Taman Sari Guesthouse later better known as Taman Sari Palace is located west of Yogyakarta Palace was built during the reign of Sultan Hamengku Buwana I and completed in the reign of Sultan Hamengku Buwana II. However, the location of Taman Sari Guesthouse as a bathing place has been known long before. In the reign of Taman Sari Panembahan Senapati location that is currently better known as Bannerman (springs) Pacethokan. This pennant was famous for its water discharge is large and clear. Pacethokan is one important consideration for determining the location of the candidate Sultan Palace.
Taman Sari Guesthouse was built after the Treaty Giyanti (1755), ie, after the Sultan Hamengku Buwana so long involved in disputes and war. The building was intended as a building that can be used to meneteramkan hearts, rest, and recreation. Nonetheless, Taman Sari was also prepared as a means / fort to confront dangerous situations. In addition, this building was also used for religious facilities. Therefore Peanggrahan Taman Sari is also equipped with a mosque, to be precise in building wells Gumuling.
Taman Sari name consists of two words, namely parks 'garden planted with flowers' and extract 'beautiful flower'. Thus, the name of the Taman Sari, intended as the name of a park complex that is really beautiful or beautiful.
Version Two Stories About Taman Sari Pesanggrahan Development
1. First Version
In the first version is told that in Mancingan (an area on the south coast of Yogyakarta) there is a freak of unknown origin. Communities in these areas many have surmised that these people including compatriots genie or forest dwellers. Community think so because the person is using a language not understood by local people. Strange people are then faced with the Sultan Hamengku Buwana II who was then still ruled. Apparently Sultan Hamengku Buwana II is pleased to take that person as a servant. After a while the man can speak Javanese. Based on the testimony he admitted as the Portuguese are in the dialect of Java called Portegis. People Portegis was then used as a servant who headed the creation of buildings (architects).
Sultan Hamengku Buwana II also ordered the person to make a fort. Apparently Sultan Hamengku Buwana II very pleased on his work. The person is then given a position as village headman, that person was known by the name or Demat Demat Portegis Tegis. Demat Tegis is what supposedly ordered to build Pesanggrahan Taman Sari. Therefore, the building also shows elements of Taman Sari Guesthouse building art originating from Europe (Portugal).
2. Second Version
According to the second version is told that one when the regents Madison, who was named Raden Rangga Prawirasentika, which has been widely credited to the Sultan Hamengku Buwana I pleaded with him to be exempted from paying local taxes that had been conducted twice a year. Regent Madison agreed only if there are special requests Sultan Hemngku Buwana I for completeness and splendor of palace decoration. Sultan Hamengku Buwana I also grant the application.
By Sultan Hamengku Regent Madison Buwana I ordered to make a gamelan Sekaten as a complement of gamelan Sekaten derived from Surakarta. Originally gamelan totaled a pair, but because palihan Nagari (1755) gamelan was divided by two. One for the Sultanate of Yogyakarta and Surakarta one for Kasunanan. In addition, the Sultan Hamengku Buwana I also ordered from the Regent Madison to be made Jempana 'stretcher' as a vehicle bride Sultan Hamengku Buwana I.
In 1684 Raden Rangga Prawirasentika told to make bricks and kelengakapannya in preparation for building a indahsebagai gardening means to reassure the Sultan Hamengku Buwana I. Sultan wants such a case because it had just completed the arduous task (war) which lasted long enough. The exit command is marked with Sultan Hamengku Buwana sengkalan Memet, which reads Chess Dragon Rasa Singh (1684).
For the manufacture of gardening / rest house was on permission Sultan Hemngku Buwana I headed by Raden Tumenggung Mangundipura and led by KPH Natakusuma, which later became K.G.P.A.A. Paku Alam I (the Sultan's son with wife concubine named Bendara Raden Ayu Srenggara). Making the contest and culvert construction 'culvert' that led to the palace which is often called the Cave of the Demon conducted in 1687 and marked with candra sengkala Pujining Brahmin Ngobahake Pajungutan (1687). While the construction of gates and walls completed in 1691.
The completion of the building making Taman Sari Guesthouse sengkalan marked relief in the form Memet flowering trees and honey is being exploited by the birds. Memet Sengkalan reads Lajering Sinesep Peksi Flower (1691).
In this second version is told that Raden Rangga Prawirasentika unable to complete construction of park buildings Pesanggrahan Sari. He stated that the construction is actually felt to be more costly than the submission of tax twice a year that had been done. By karenaya belilau please stop at the Sultan and permissible. The Sultan then ordered K.P.H. Natakusuma to resolve the building above the cost to the Emperor himself.
Taman Sari Guesthouse Development kono involve a lot of labor is not just coming from around Yogyakarta, but also from Madison, Kedu, Jipang, and so forth.
Building Taman Sari has 36 pieces of important buildings with various names and functions. For more information you can contact.
Of material derived from various sources.Script: Sartono K.
Yogyakarta Tours - Ketep Relay Glance see Merapi Volcano (Indonesia)
Tourists will not be disappointed if you tours to this resort. Located in the northern province of Yogyakarta, Village Ketep, Sawangan District, Magelang District has become a busy area, due to a building a Glance relay, there was standing too ‘Ketep Vulcano Theater’ and ‘Volcano Ketep Center’. Ketep Village is situated at the confluence of agrarian path, Boyolali - Blabak (tourism track Selo - Solo - Borobudur) and point Kopeng - Blabak. Ketep Relay Glance stands at a height of 1700 above sea level, cold air is cool and breezy, tourists can witness the stunning natural beauty, especially when the weather was sunny, wherever we cast, we feel the majesty. The north, northwest, and northeast we can clearly see a row of houses with unique architecture, mountains perched Merbabu and Merapi, if not being covered in thick fog, would seem to clear the peak of Merapi, which is white to ash-gray, because there were scattered white sand spit lava. Meanwhile, if the views to the west, we could see the expanse of agricultural land with the pattern ‘terracing’ verdant and dynamic, the same direction we could dimly see the town of Magelang and Sumbing on the horizon. If the south towards tourists can enjoy from a distance dynamics of the region and Muntilan Blabak background Menoreh mountian. Meanwhile, the existence of Volcano Theater Ketep added to complete this resort. Home theater development in the highlands of this Ketep also as a means of education for young people interested in studying the problem for the volcano in Indonesia. Films shown in theaters this special show priority, about the activities of Mount Merapi, ranging from the beauty of the landscape to record the scene when Mount Merapi erupted and lava out, also on display here-lane route through frequent in nature lovers, and life typical population living on the slopes of Merapi from the full social, economic and cultural.
source yogyatour
Ratu Boko Temple
Ratu Boko Temple is a building that was supposed historians have multi-function that consists of several components, namely the fortress palace (palace) and the cave. Location of Keraton Ratu Boko from Yogyakarta can be reached via the motorway Yogyakarta-Solo, approximately at km 17 or T-junction turn right as far as Prambanan + 3 km.
The main building Site Ratu Boko is the ancient relics found in the first time by Dutch archaeologist, HJ De Graaf in the 17th century. Realization of the building as the main gate, temple, the pool of 20 meters x 50 meters with a depth of two meters, caves, fences and the square, temple burnings, and paseban. Petilasan marquee buildings, halls, three small temples, ponds, and the princess found in the southeast. While Wadon cave, cave Lana, and several other caves, and ponds and statues of Buddha in the east.
HJ De Graaf notes based on news from European travelers who are traveling, on the south side of Prambanan Temple archaeological site there. As the story developed in the local community, the site is connected with King Boko from Bali.
1790 Van Boeckholtz find archaeological ruins on a hilltop site Ratu Boko. The discovery was immediately published. Apparently, that attract scientists Makenzic, Junghun, and Brumun. In 1814 they made a visit and recording. One hundred years later, FDK Bosch conduct research, and his research entitled van Ratoe Kraton Boko.
From the site itself is found the oldest evidence of 792 AD in the form of Inscription Abhayagiriwihara. The inscription mentions a character named Tejahpurnpane Panamkorono. It is estimated that, he was the Rakai Panangkaran mentioned in the inscription Kalasan year 779 AD, 907 AD Mantyasih inscriptions, and the Middle Wanua Inscription III in 908 AD. Panangkaran Rakai was the one who built the temple of Borobudur, Temple Sewu, and Kalasan. Nevertheless Site Ratu Boko is still shrouded in mystery. Not yet known when built, by whom, for what, and so forth. People just expect that a palace building.
According to Prof. Magister, an expert on the history, building Boko Palace is a bastion of Balaputradewa or Kayuwangi Rakai, Rakai Pikatan youngest son. Allegedly attacked by Rakai Rakai Kayuwangi Walaing Puhuyaboni, great-grandson Sanjay who feel more entitled to the throne than Pikatan Rakai, Rakai Pikatan merely because the husband of Pramodharwani, princess crown Samarottungga Buddhist. In Rakai tersbut battle Walaing successfully repelled and forced to flee over the hills Ratu Boko and make defenses there. But in the end Kraton Boko can be attacked and occupied Rakai Kayuwangi who intentionally damage the inscription which contains genealogical Walaing Rakai, by eliminating the part that contains the names of father, grandfather and great-Rakai Walaing.
Ratu Boko Site Restoration began in the Dutch colonial era in 1938. The effort was then resumed the government of Indonesia since 1952.
The main building Site Ratu Boko is the ancient relics found in the first time by Dutch archaeologist, HJ De Graaf in the 17th century. Realization of the building as the main gate, temple, the pool of 20 meters x 50 meters with a depth of two meters, caves, fences and the square, temple burnings, and paseban. Petilasan marquee buildings, halls, three small temples, ponds, and the princess found in the southeast. While Wadon cave, cave Lana, and several other caves, and ponds and statues of Buddha in the east.
HJ De Graaf notes based on news from European travelers who are traveling, on the south side of Prambanan Temple archaeological site there. As the story developed in the local community, the site is connected with King Boko from Bali.
1790 Van Boeckholtz find archaeological ruins on a hilltop site Ratu Boko. The discovery was immediately published. Apparently, that attract scientists Makenzic, Junghun, and Brumun. In 1814 they made a visit and recording. One hundred years later, FDK Bosch conduct research, and his research entitled van Ratoe Kraton Boko.
From the site itself is found the oldest evidence of 792 AD in the form of Inscription Abhayagiriwihara. The inscription mentions a character named Tejahpurnpane Panamkorono. It is estimated that, he was the Rakai Panangkaran mentioned in the inscription Kalasan year 779 AD, 907 AD Mantyasih inscriptions, and the Middle Wanua Inscription III in 908 AD. Panangkaran Rakai was the one who built the temple of Borobudur, Temple Sewu, and Kalasan. Nevertheless Site Ratu Boko is still shrouded in mystery. Not yet known when built, by whom, for what, and so forth. People just expect that a palace building.
According to Prof. Magister, an expert on the history, building Boko Palace is a bastion of Balaputradewa or Kayuwangi Rakai, Rakai Pikatan youngest son. Allegedly attacked by Rakai Rakai Kayuwangi Walaing Puhuyaboni, great-grandson Sanjay who feel more entitled to the throne than Pikatan Rakai, Rakai Pikatan merely because the husband of Pramodharwani, princess crown Samarottungga Buddhist. In Rakai tersbut battle Walaing successfully repelled and forced to flee over the hills Ratu Boko and make defenses there. But in the end Kraton Boko can be attacked and occupied Rakai Kayuwangi who intentionally damage the inscription which contains genealogical Walaing Rakai, by eliminating the part that contains the names of father, grandfather and great-Rakai Walaing.
Ratu Boko Site Restoration began in the Dutch colonial era in 1938. The effort was then resumed the government of Indonesia since 1952.
Malioboro Souvenirs Paradise
Enjoy the ultimate shopping experience, Jogja hunting for souvenirs, tourists can wander along the roadside berkoridor (arcade). Here you will find many vendors that take the goods. Ranging from local crafts such as batik, rattan ornament, leather puppets, bamboo crafts (key rings, decorative lamps, etc.) also blangkon (hat typical Java / Yogyakarta) goods and silver, for merchants who sell a lot of general clutter found in places of settlement. Across the porch, tourists can shop in peace in a sunny or rainy conditions, also can enjoy a pleasant shopping experience at bargain prices. If lucky, can be reduced to one third or even half.
Do not forget to leave little energy. There is still a traditional market that should be visited. In the place known as market Beringharjo addition, tourists can find similar items are sold along the porch, this market offers a variety of traditional products is more complete. In addition to local products Jogja, the surrounding areas are also products available such as batik or batik Pekalongan Solo. Looking for batik or batik print, or just looking for decorating the curtains on the windows with unique motifs and batik bed sheets beautiful. This place will satisfy your shopping desires unique items with a cheaper price.
Shopping in the area of Malioboro and Beringharjo, be sure not be fooled by the price offered. Usually the sellers to raise prices than usual for tourists.
source world object tour
Prambanan : The Exotic Hindu Temple
As the largest Hindu temple in Southeast Asia, the beautiful and graceful temple of Prambanan is a magnificent spectacle and an icon of Indonesia’s cultural heritage.
Located not far from the Buddhist Borobudur temple, the proximity of the two temples tells us that on Java, Buddhism and Hinduism lived peacefully next to one another.
Prambanan is known locally as Roro Jonggrang, coming from the legend of the ‘slender virgin’. According to the legend once upon a time, there was a young and powerful man named Bandung Bondowoso. He wanted to marry a beautiful princess named Roro Jonggrang. Her father, the king, agreed and forced her to marry Bandung Bondowoso. Butm Sita did not love him yet could not refuse him.
After careful consideration, she thought of a way to refuse Bondowoso, whose magical power was well-known. She decided she would agree but only if Bondowoso built 1,000 temples in one night before the break of dawn.
She insisted that the work must be completed before the rooster crowed, something she believed was impossible. But with the help of genies and his own magical powers, Bondowoso managed to complete 999 temples. Panicked, Jonggrang told the women of her village to start pounding rice so that the rooster would wake up and begin to crow. When Bondowoso heard this he was deeply disappointed and wildly enraged. When he found out that Roro Jonggrang had made the roosters crow, he turned her into stone, The statue of a slender virgin graces the main Prambanan temple, while a group of temples nearby is called the Candi Sewu or the Thousand Temples.
The temples at Prambanan were built in the 9th century. The biggest temple is dedicated to Shiva – the destroyer, and the two smaller ones which sit on its right and left are dedicated to Brahma -¬ the creator and Wisnhu – the sustainer. The tallest temple of Prambanan is a staggering 47 meters high. Its peak visible from far away and rises high above the ruins of the other temples.
After hundreds of years of neglect, the Prambanan temple was rediscovered by CA Lons, a Dutchman, in 1733. Since then, this temple has been revitalized and today is widely regarded as the most beautiful and graceful Hindu temple in Indonesia.
The grandeur, complexity, and integrated architectural concept of Prambanan makes this a truly amazing structure. As a unique cultural and architectural marvel, Prambanan was declared a World Heritage site in 1991 by UNESCO.
source indonesia officical
Borobudur Temple
Borobudur is a ninth century Mahayana Buddhist monument in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. The monument comprises six square platforms topped by three circular platforms, and is decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. A main dome is located at the center of the top platform, and is surrounded by seventy-two Buddha statues seated inside perforated stupa.
The monument is both a shrine to the Lord Buddha and a place for Buddhist pilgrimage. The journey for pilgrims begins at the base of the monument and follows a path circumambulating the monument while ascending to the top through the three levels of Buddhist cosmology, namely, Kamadhatu (the world of desire); Rupadhatu (the world of forms); and Arupadhatu (the world of formless). During the journey, the monument guides the pilgrims through a system of stairways and corridors with 1,460 narrative relief panels on the wall and the balustrades.
Evidence suggests Borobudur was abandoned following the fourteenth century decline of Buddhist and Hindu kingdoms in Java, and the Javanese conversion to Islam. It was rediscovered in 1814 by Sir Thomas Raffles, the British ruler of Java. Borobudur has since been preserved through several restorations. The largest restoration project was undertaken between 1975 and 1982 by the Indonesian government and UNESCO, following which the monument was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Borobudur is still used for pilgrimage, where once a year Buddhists in Indonesia celebrate Vesak at the monument, and Borobudur is Indonesia’s single most visited tourist attraction.
source great tour
Crop Circle Found in Indonesia Rice Field
Indonesian rice farmers in Slemen, Yogyakarta, got quite a surprise Sunday morning when they discovered that overnight a large crop circle had mysteriously formed in one of their fields.
The circle, which also includes internal geometric patterns of a triangle and smaller circles, has an overall diameter of nearly 90 feet, according to The Jakarta Post.
One resident, Cahyo Utomo, speculated that the odd piece of rice field artwork wasn't man-made. "The circles were there since yesterday morning. I think they were left by an alien spaceship," he said.
"It is impossible that this was made by the wind or any animal," he added.
Whether crafted by humans or aliens, thousands of crop circles have been reported all over the world for many decades, but with a higher number recorded in England. And they're not always circular, with some of the more intricate and complex ones looking like strange animals or even scientific symbols or DNA sequences.
The patterns are generally created by something that flattens various crops, like rice, wheat and rye, and they're usually discovered by farmers in the early morning where they didn't exist the night before.
In some cases, people have admitted being the architects of crop circles, by using ropes and boards to flatten the crops. But even that doesn't explain all crop circles everywhere, which leaves many of them unexplained.
According to Moedji Raharto, the previous head of the Bosscha Observatorium, Indonesia's oldest observatory, "If this really is the work of a UFO or extraterrestrial beings, it is almost 100 percent certain they would have left some sort of trace behind.
"The chemical composition of the soil itself could reveal the origin of the phenomenon. For example, when a meteorite enters the atmosphere and forms a crater, it leaves traces of elements that are not common to the area," Moedji said. He added that similar results could be expected in a soil analysis of the Yogyakarta circle.
This is the first crop circle reported in 2011. Slemen police chief Iwan Ramani wouldn't commit either way on whether the circle in his jurisdiction was crafted by a UFO, humans or even a natural phenomenon. He's still investigating.
source jakarta pos
The circle, which also includes internal geometric patterns of a triangle and smaller circles, has an overall diameter of nearly 90 feet, according to The Jakarta Post.
One resident, Cahyo Utomo, speculated that the odd piece of rice field artwork wasn't man-made. "The circles were there since yesterday morning. I think they were left by an alien spaceship," he said.
A large circle and geometric pattern that Indonesian residents say were created by a UFO appeared in a rice field in Krasakan hamlet in Sleman, Yogyakarta, on Sunday morning.
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UFOs and Alien Encounters?
A large circle and geometric pattern that Indonesian residents say were created by a UFO appeared in a rice field in Krasakan hamlet in Sleman, Yogyakarta, on Sunday morning.
Tribun Jogja / The Jakarta Post
Tribun Jogja / The Jakarta Post
"It is impossible that this was made by the wind or any animal," he added.
Whether crafted by humans or aliens, thousands of crop circles have been reported all over the world for many decades, but with a higher number recorded in England. And they're not always circular, with some of the more intricate and complex ones looking like strange animals or even scientific symbols or DNA sequences.
The patterns are generally created by something that flattens various crops, like rice, wheat and rye, and they're usually discovered by farmers in the early morning where they didn't exist the night before.
In some cases, people have admitted being the architects of crop circles, by using ropes and boards to flatten the crops. But even that doesn't explain all crop circles everywhere, which leaves many of them unexplained.
According to Moedji Raharto, the previous head of the Bosscha Observatorium, Indonesia's oldest observatory, "If this really is the work of a UFO or extraterrestrial beings, it is almost 100 percent certain they would have left some sort of trace behind.
"The chemical composition of the soil itself could reveal the origin of the phenomenon. For example, when a meteorite enters the atmosphere and forms a crater, it leaves traces of elements that are not common to the area," Moedji said. He added that similar results could be expected in a soil analysis of the Yogyakarta circle.
This is the first crop circle reported in 2011. Slemen police chief Iwan Ramani wouldn't commit either way on whether the circle in his jurisdiction was crafted by a UFO, humans or even a natural phenomenon. He's still investigating.
source jakarta pos
News Jogja
Gudeg is a traditional food from Yogyakarta and Central Java, Indonesia which is made from young Nangka (jack fruit) boiled for several hours with palm sugar, and coconut milk. Additional spices include garlic, shallot, candlenut, coriander seed, galangal, bay leaves, and teak leaves, the latter giving a brown color to the dish. It is also called Green Jack Fruit Sweet Stew.
Gudeg is served with white rice, chicken, hard-boiled egg, tofu and/or tempeh, and a stew made of crispy beef skins (sambal goreng krecek).
There are several types of gudeg; dry, wet, Yogyakarta style, Solo style and East-Javanese style. Dry gudeg has only a bit of coconut milk and thus has little sauce. Wet gudeg includes more coconut milk. The most common gudeg came from Yogyakarta, and usually sweeter, more dry and reddish in color because the addition of teak leaves. The Solo gudeg from the city of Surakarta is more watery and soupy with lots of coconut milk and whitish in color because teak leaves is absent. The East-Javanese style gudeg employs a spicier and hotter taste, compared to the Yogyakarta-style gudeg, which is sweeter. Gudeg is traditionally associated with Yogyakarta, and Yogyakarta often nicknamed as "Kota Gudeg" (city of gudeg).
culinary tours
Wedang Secang
Wedang cup is one drink that is very good for the health of a cup made of wood, plus asugar cube, sere and ginger.
Benefits wedang cup among others to overcome problems of coronary artery narrowing.It also serves to reduce blood pressure so that blood perdaran be smooth. You canmake yourself a cup of nutritious wedang this, how to make it pretty easy. As the waterbrewing, pour a cup of water and materials into the basin. After the ingredients are washed, directly enter into the basin with water that will be brewed. After boiling cooked,a cup of water can be drunk. Pour in glass. Give sugar or rock sugar as necessary.Delicious flavor immeasurably. Body felt warm sunny morning.
Currently there's even a cup in the packaging bag wedang easy application. wedang ifyou want to enjoy a cup with a different atmosphere to participate in pilgrimage at the tomb of the package at the tomb complex Panembahan Senopati Kotagede.
soucre pariwisata.jogja
culinary tours
Alun-alun Kidul (South) yogyakarta
Alun-alun Kidul (South) is a square in the southern part of Yogyakarta Palace. Alun-alun Kidul are often referred to as Pengkeran. Pengkeran derived from the word pengker (shape manners) of buri (rear). This is in accordance with the South's square keletakan which is located behind the palace. The square is surrounded by a square wall with five gates, one on the south side and on the east and west sides of each of the two pieces.In between the north and the south gate on the west side there is ngGajahan an elephant's cage in order to maintain the Sultan. All around the plaza planted with mango trees (Mangifera indica, Anacardiaceae), pakel (Mangifera sp; Anacardiaceae), and kuini (Mangifera odoranta; Anacardiaceae). Banyan tree there are only two pairs. A pair in the middle of the square, called Supit Urang (literally = claw shrimp) and a pair of right-left again on the south side gate called Wok (from the word bewok, harfiaf = beard). From the south side of the gate there is the road that connects with Plengkung Ivory Nirbaya.
South plaza, formerly a palace warrior line gym, a day before the ceremony Grebeg. The place was also as a forum SOWAN courtiers Wedana soldiers along with his men, on the night of fasting month on 23, 25, 27 and 29. But since the reign of Sri Sultan HB VIII, pisowanan is stopped.
there is one tradition that is very interesting game in the town plaza south called Masangin. Masangin is entering a gap between two banyan trees in the middle of the square was in a state of closed eyes. It seems trivial, but not easy. Many have tried, but failed. Always turn directions. you want to try??
South plaza, formerly a palace warrior line gym, a day before the ceremony Grebeg. The place was also as a forum SOWAN courtiers Wedana soldiers along with his men, on the night of fasting month on 23, 25, 27 and 29. But since the reign of Sri Sultan HB VIII, pisowanan is stopped.
there is one tradition that is very interesting game in the town plaza south called Masangin. Masangin is entering a gap between two banyan trees in the middle of the square was in a state of closed eyes. It seems trivial, but not easy. Many have tried, but failed. Always turn directions. you want to try??
soucre pariwisata.jogja
if you are looking for a nuanced vacation spot coolness and beauty of nature, maybe you can try to visit sights Kaliurang in Yogyakarta. There are several places that provide the beauty of different. Kaliurang itself is shaped like a complex right and left side is still surrounded by vast forests and beautiful. There is a place where we can look at the beauty Kaliurang, namely viewing post.
Still there are other places around Kaliurang are quite beautiful and deserve to be visited are times yellow. There you can walk along the creek is clear and clean.Sometimes we will not feel tired when we walked the street in a place like that. Or if you want to see the ex larva 2007, you can stop at Kaliadem. There you will be treated to views of a former keperkasaaan trim a large river is covered with sand (former erosion trim).
Kaliadem area was once a tourist area that promises beautiful rivers and natural beauty of the mountains with the river water flows clear and cold. Kaliadem tourist area now has changed its name to Lava tourist area TOUR ex-Kaliadem. As a result of the eruption of Mount Merapi at the time, this area is buried by Mount Merapi Lava material.
Many houses are buried under lava material, and this area was like a lost Kaliadem drowned Lava buried. Even so, we can still visit there to be able to find traces of Merapi Lava flow with the background of Mount Merapi which seems so exotic. The situation there was still left untouched since the event was the eruption of Mount Merapi.
To be able to access the area Lava Tour, we are obliged to pay 5000 dollars per person. In addition, here too there are not many tourism facilities in general, all of nature really. Sightseeing Kaliurang is smoothed slope area, therefore this one tourist attraction is a highland area that has cold weather and cool. You could say this is the Ground? PEAK? His city of Yogyakarta, with a location close enough, only about 40-60 minutes drive from the city of Yogyakarta.
The uniqueness of the other Kaliurang is, here the main roads (asphalt) that can be traversed by car there are many branches that are all interconnected with each other, so that we can spend time with just round the streets of this tourist area. In addition, here too there are many villas and lodging at a price that varied, ranging from 40 thousand to hundreds of thousands per night, depending on amenities and location offered.
source Niki Travel and Tour
Still there are other places around Kaliurang are quite beautiful and deserve to be visited are times yellow. There you can walk along the creek is clear and clean.Sometimes we will not feel tired when we walked the street in a place like that. Or if you want to see the ex larva 2007, you can stop at Kaliadem. There you will be treated to views of a former keperkasaaan trim a large river is covered with sand (former erosion trim).
Kaliadem area was once a tourist area that promises beautiful rivers and natural beauty of the mountains with the river water flows clear and cold. Kaliadem tourist area now has changed its name to Lava tourist area TOUR ex-Kaliadem. As a result of the eruption of Mount Merapi at the time, this area is buried by Mount Merapi Lava material.
Many houses are buried under lava material, and this area was like a lost Kaliadem drowned Lava buried. Even so, we can still visit there to be able to find traces of Merapi Lava flow with the background of Mount Merapi which seems so exotic. The situation there was still left untouched since the event was the eruption of Mount Merapi.
To be able to access the area Lava Tour, we are obliged to pay 5000 dollars per person. In addition, here too there are not many tourism facilities in general, all of nature really. Sightseeing Kaliurang is smoothed slope area, therefore this one tourist attraction is a highland area that has cold weather and cool. You could say this is the Ground? PEAK? His city of Yogyakarta, with a location close enough, only about 40-60 minutes drive from the city of Yogyakarta.
The uniqueness of the other Kaliurang is, here the main roads (asphalt) that can be traversed by car there are many branches that are all interconnected with each other, so that we can spend time with just round the streets of this tourist area. In addition, here too there are many villas and lodging at a price that varied, ranging from 40 thousand to hundreds of thousands per night, depending on amenities and location offered.
source Niki Travel and Tour
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