Selasa, 19 April 2011

Marijan Child Ready Ayomi Citizens Merapi

YOGYA - Believed to party palace Ngayogyakarta as Interpreter Lock Mount Merapi, Asih (44) was determined to carry out their best. Son of the late Maridjan, the old caretaker, is ready to protect the citizens of the slopes of Merapi, including inviting them to be evacuated if the world's most active volcano showed signs of tooth eruption, as happened last year-end 2010.
"I will do my persuasive communication to citizens, so they are willing to be evacuated. Thus, the effect of yesterday's incident and previous eruptions do not happen again," said Mbah Marijan third son was quietly, shortly after graduation as Pengirit Abdi Dalem Interpreter Lock Mount Merapi Palace Ngayogyakarta , Monday (04/04/2011), in Kagungan Dalem Ward Kasatriyan Palace Ngayogyakarta.
He claimed to have been given a mandate by Ngarso Dalem Sri Sultan HB X for intense communication with the Central Investigation and Technology Development Kegunungapian (BPPTK) to monitor the condition of Merapi. He is also asked to invite people to be willing to be evacuated if Merapi is active again.
Asih, which also UII Yogyakarta, State Administration of staff, describes, he is expected to be role models in society's behavior. Moreover, he is judged to have not merely the ability of science and technology, but also cultural.
In other words, chosen Asih as Interpreter Lock Mount Merapi as it is a figure that is able to combine the ability of culture and science, as a form of demands with the times.
"Gusti Joyo (GBPH Joyokusumo, Red), as representative of the Sultan of Yogyakarta, told me that it requires a commitment of Merapi Kuncen able to understand the natural situation and know the science and technology," said Asih.
Added, such as evaluation of attitudes that occurred in events Mbah Maridjan, who died affected by hot clouds. Therefore, by combining culture and science, the incident did not happen again.
After graduation Asih Suraksosihono title Mas Village. Previously, he holds a Mas Anom bekel Suraksosihono. Asih will lead 17 people Pengirit Abdi Dalem Interpreter Lock Merapi, most of whom are citizens around Kinahrejo Hamlet, Village Umbulharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman. He will be in charge of implementation of the procession harbor.
Commenting on his official Asih as Kuncen Merapi, Gusti Joyo explained, the appointment of caretaker Merapi was decided after going through some series of events, which preceded the formation of nine-person selection team Kanca Regent Palace Ngayogyakarta mascara.
Asih judged most qualified in the selection held by the Selection Team Supreme Kawedanan Ngayogyakarta Panitrapura palace. He was able to outline the religious field, the field of culture, kekratonan areas, and areas of society better than the eight other candidates.
"The selection is male courtiers of 18 Abdi Dalem Interpreter Lock Merapi. Of the 18 kanca Abdi Dalem Interpreter Lock Merapi, eight of whom were women. One kanca old anymore, so no longer able to be selected," he explained.


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