Selasa, 19 April 2011

Yogyakarta Tours - Ketep Relay Glance see Merapi Volcano (Indonesia)

Tourists will not be disappointed if you tours to this resort. Located in the northern province of Yogyakarta, Village Ketep, Sawangan District, Magelang District has become a busy area, due to a building a Glance relay, there was standing too ‘Ketep Vulcano Theater’ and ‘Volcano Ketep Center’. Ketep Village is situated at the confluence of agrarian path, Boyolali - Blabak (tourism track Selo - Solo - Borobudur) and point Kopeng - Blabak. Ketep Relay Glance stands at a height of 1700 above sea level, cold air is cool and breezy, tourists can witness the stunning natural beauty, especially when the weather was sunny, wherever we cast, we feel the majesty. The north, northwest, and northeast we can clearly see a row of houses with unique architecture, mountains perched Merbabu and Merapi, if not being covered in thick fog, would seem to clear the peak of Merapi, which is white to ash-gray, because there were scattered white sand spit lava. Meanwhile, if the views to the west, we could see the expanse of agricultural land with the pattern ‘terracing’ verdant and dynamic, the same direction we could dimly see the town of Magelang and Sumbing on the horizon. If the south towards tourists can enjoy from a distance dynamics of the region and Muntilan Blabak background Menoreh mountian. Meanwhile, the existence of Volcano Theater Ketep added to complete this resort. Home theater development in the highlands of this Ketep also as a means of education for young people interested in studying the problem for the volcano in Indonesia. Films shown in theaters this special show priority, about the activities of Mount Merapi, ranging from the beauty of the landscape to record the scene when Mount Merapi erupted and lava out, also on display here-lane route through frequent in nature lovers, and life typical population living on the slopes of Merapi from the full social, economic and cultural.

source yogyatour

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