Sabtu, 23 April 2011

"Puppet Exhibition" will entertain residents trim with the play "wake semar heaven"

SLEMAN_Dua famous puppeteer Ki Vishnu Ki Hadi Sugito andwheat Jatmika Puppet will perform with the play "Semar wakeKaya". The event will be held on Thursday (01/06) in Village HallWukirsari, Cangkringan Sleman.

According to Drs. Bambang Purnomo, Chairman of Indonesianpuppetry community (Pepadi) branch Sleman in SlemanDepartment of culture and tourism (1.3), this leather puppetperformances are expected to provide fresh entertainment to the community or the people around Merapi.

"Apart from being entertainment for people around Merapi, wehope that other residents also jug outside the area can also enjoythis Skin leather puppet show." Bambang added.

Leather puppet show events in the agenda of the pure treat the show is intended to provide entertainment to the community andsurrounding Cangkringan or residents outside the area who want to see the show. In addition, these performances show also in the framework of "Close Suran" in 1944 the Javanese calendar. (DN)

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